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We Change Your Life & World

For Humanity, Help Us To
Stop Covid-19 Spread

  • Corona Relief Fund

    In confined cities and refugee camps, deliver critical things to struggling families and the elderly.

  • We can change the world:

    Many a penny makes a pond; drops of water make the ocean. So if we work together we can change the world in a better way.

  • You can help the poor

    Your donation can save millions of poor people around the world and make the world a better place

Help With Featured Cause

COVID-19 Has Changed Everything For World

The COVID-19 epidemic is a once-in-a-generation event that will take the best of humanity to conquer. Your contribution to this fund will help with both short- and long-term relief.

  • Help The Poor To build a better World
  • Donation is hope for affected
  • Fundraising for coronavirus relief

Donate With Love & Faith


Help With Featured Cause

Covid-19 Programs
And Projects

Providing financial support for helping individuals build livelihoods during the unprecedent time in world history Help us make world diseases free!

We Change Your Life & World

Serving Everywhere

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program

Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program


We Change Your Life & World

Meet Our Volunteers

Scott William


Liam Irvines


Diana Leslie


Tania Vandy


Service to others
is the rent you pay
for your room here
on earth.

Muhammad Ali

Make a Difference Today!

Become a Volunteer


We Change Your Life & World

News & Happenings



Premio alla traduzione FjalaFest 2024: i libri e la giuria

Sono quattro i libri in corsa per il PREMIO ALLA TRADUZIONE FJALAFEST 2024, bandito da Albania Letteraria, Slow Mill e Dep Dora e Pajtimit e finanziato dal Centro del Libro e della Lettura, che premierà la migliore traduzione dall’albanese all’italiano realizzata tra il 2021 e il 2023.



FjalaFest. Incontri di lettura animata e musica per i piccoli lettori

FjalaFest si rivolge anche ai piccoli lettori, con una stimolante iniziativa! Nel contesto della prima edizione del Festival della Letteratura Albanese, abbiamo il piacere di proporre due giornate speciali di incontri dedicati ai bambini dai 6 ai 10 anni.



Gli ospiti di FjalaFest: Tom Kuka racconta i miti e le storie albanesi

L’intervista a Tom Kuka, (Enkel Demi), giornalista e scrittore pluripremiato, vincitore del Premio dell’Unione Europea per la Letteratura 2021. Kuka sarà uno degli ospiti di FjalaFest, il Festival della Letteratura Albanese, che si svolgerà il 18 e il 19 maggio a Milano.